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  • 所在地區:四川成都
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 公司擁有目前全國茶行業最大的科技園區(核心占地面積4800畝),并成功打造了全國茶行業唯一的“一站兩院兩中心”(即:院士專家工作站、 “國家企業技術中心”、 “四川省茶業工程技術研究中心”“四川省茶產業技術研究院”“川茶產業商學院”)科技創新平臺,先后承擔和實施了國家、部、省、市級科技攻關、成果轉化、星火計劃和技術創新各類項目20余項,參與制定31個國家、行業標準,并攻克全國綠茶加工共性技術難題,創新中國黑茶加工技術,突破名優茶機制集成加工技術,為茶行業的技術研發和成果應用做出了突出貢獻。





Company Profile

 Sichuan Province Tea Industry Group co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “Sichuan Tea Group”) is the first joint-stock enterprise implementing the development of overall tea industry chain in Sichuan province, which owns more than 10 subsidiaries, registered capital of 208 million yuan, total assets of more than 500 million yuan, owns more than 400000 mu tea garden planting base built by itself and its partners, leads more than 200000 peasant households, besides, job opportunities for seasonal tea picking and tea-making are additionally offered to about 100,000 rural workers etc. Since the company setting up, It regards “ Innovation, Startup, Integration, Sharing ” as the concept, regards “Resource Sharing, Complementary Advantages, Hugs Development, Joint win-win ” as the purpose, supports the transformation and upgrading of the overall development of tea industry chain by constantly innovate technique chain, promotes the sustainable and healthy development of tea industry chain by innovate the benefit chain, also has won more than 30 honors such as “Agricultural Industrialization National Key Leading Enterprise”, “National Agricultural Industrialization Excellent Leading Enterprises”, “ Top 10 Enterprises of Overall Strength of National Tea Industry ”, “Top 10 of Tea Export Enterprises of China ” etc, identified as the pacesetter of the development of  “Billions of Sichuan Tea Industry” by the Sichuan provincial government under the governmental strongly support.

 We have built a high quality tea base of 10000 mu through self-building and associations-building. Tiangong mountain which is a full acquisition of our Company , is the largest high mountain organic tea base currently in China and has gotten the dual certifications of domestic and international for consecutive 11 years.

 Our company has the largest sci-tech park in the national tea industry, (covers an area of 4800 mu) and successfully has built the only one platform of sci-tech innovation “One Station Two Institutions Two Centers” in the national tea industry(One is Academician Expert Workstation, Two are Sichuan Province Tea Industry Technology Research Institute and Sichuan Province Tea Industry Business Institute, Another two are National Enterprise Technology Center and Sichuan Province Tea Industrial Engineering Technology Research Center)。It has undertaken and implemented more than 20 projects of the national, ministry, provincial, municipal sci-tech research, achievements transformation, spark plan and technology innovation etc, participated in 31 national and industry standards, solved the national green tea processings technology problem , innovated the processing technology of Chinese dark tea, broken through the high quality tea mechanism integrative processing technology, made an outstanding contribution to the tea industry technology R&D and the application of achievement .

 Our Groups brand trademark “Xu fu” was rated as “China Well-known Trademark”, “ Famous Trademark of Sichuan Province ”,Our best products “Xu fu Dragon Bud” won the Gold Medal of International Famous Tea Appraisal for seven times in a row, “ Tianfu Longya ” won the “ Gold Camel Prize China Famous Tea for Century Expo ” and “Gold Bud Prize·China the most International Competitiveness and Famous Tea Brand ”.

 We successively set up marketing agencies in Hong Kong, Malaysia and other more than 10 countries and regions, expanded some overseas market such as Mongolia, Morocco, Georgia, and established a strategic cooperative relations with Sri Lanka and Russia etc , Soskovets, the first vice prime minister of Russia before, was invited to be our companys lifelong honorary counselor in 2015.

 As an initiator, The Group launched and established the “Sichuan Tea Industry Group Alliance” with more than 30 tea enterprises such as Emei Snow Bud, Mi Cangshan, Early White Tip in 2013, then Sichuan Tea Brand Promotion Association was established with 121 tea enterprises on December 12, 2014.Meanwhile Sichuan Tea Group is the president of the association. We also are leading all the tea groups of Sichuan province to jointly construct the Sichuan tea regional brand “Tianfu Dragon Bud”. In 2015, our companys original brand “Tianfu Longya” was determined to be the Sichuan tea regional brand. In 2016, “Tianfu Longya” is officially released in the fifth International Tea Expo (Si chuan) and Tianfu Longya Culture Tea Festival.

 At present, Sichuan Tea Group is implementing Sichuan tea industry integrative development project which is the key project of Sichuan province. The investment plan of this project is 1.265 billion and the construction period is three years. After the completion of the project, our companys total output value will be 5 billion yuan increasing about 400000 peasant households annual income of 3000 yuan for everyone among which the poverty households annual income will be increased 3600 yuan. To be the model of Sichuan tea enterprises and give the biggest support for an overall transformation and upgrading of Sichuan tea industry.


 A large platform: “One Station Two Institutions Two Centers”


Academician Expert Workstation



 In March 2015 according to “Implementing Measures of Sichuan Province Academician Expert Workstation” which was issued by seven departments such as Sichuan Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, Provincial Economic and Information Committee, Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission etc, the shortlist of the fourth batch of Sichuan Province Academician Expert Workstation, which was appraised by the Expert Evaluation Committee and Academician Expert Workstation Joint Conference came out. Sichuan Tea Group was on the list of successful candidates and to be the first Sichuan tea enterprise receiving the qualification. Chen Zongmao, the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, the expert of pesticide residues and plant protection and once served as the director of tea research institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the director of Chinese Tea Society, now served as doctoral tutor, the honorary president of Chinese Tea Society and the vice chairman of International Tea Association, held the post of this workstations academician.

 Sichuan Tea Group will solve the bottlenecks of the overall industry chain in the development of Sichuan tea enterprises through giving full play to the support and leading role of academician and scientific research team for the companys independent innovation ,based on the tendency of the scientific research both domestic and overseas industrial technology development. Sichuan Tea Group will introduce, gather, dispatch high-quality technical personnel and management personnel, cultivate innovative talents, promote the cooperation of high-level industry - learning- research, speedup the achievements transformation of scientific and technological. At the same time, we will conduct major projects such as scientific research, technology breakthrough and industry innovation according the tea industry chain, try the best to improve the blend tea according to foreign consumers tea drinking habits, provide safer, higher quality, more affordable tea and derivatives for the foreign consumers based on providing high quality tea products for the domestic customers and strive to increase the peasants income.


Sichuan Tea Industry Business College


 “Sichuan Tea Industry Business College” is a personal training base of enterprise new complex talents according to the blended training model focusing on the corporate strategy and talent development , provide a high learning efficiency, convenient to use and efficient training platform under the support of the common wisdom of experts both inside and outside the province while in the combination with the practical situation of company, establish a learning organization and an intelligence platform for enterprise knowledge management, personnel training, market competition through the import of corporate culture and the cultivation of enterprise suitable talents. In an effort to build a talent team of tea industry technology, management, marketing around the whole industry chain, provide talent guarantee for the transformation and upgrading of Sichuan tea industry through innovating the teaching and personnel training mode.


 Sichuan Tea Industry Technology Research Institute


 Sichuan Tea Industry Technology Research Institute is the first-ever technology service platform in Sichuan Province for tea industry technology R& D and incubation of achievements. Based on Sichuan Tea Industry Group Alliance, it has encompassed tea technology research, quality control& inspection, information services, product R&D and innovation; hence it has further deepened the industry-oriented construction of Sichuan Tea Industry Group Alliance with its purpose of promoting the reshuffling of tea industry resources and achieving leapfrog progress in the industrialization process. And market orientation system should be relied on during innovation-driven tea development to push forward the platform construction, while the service matching functions of the platform should be given full play to provide fund and talents support to scientific and technical innovation.


 China tea industrys first national Recognized Enterprise Technology Center


 In December 2013, the technology center of Sichuan Tea Group Co., Ltd was upgraded to “national level”, so it becomes the first national enterprise technology center in tea industry. Through constant technical innovation and integration, the core technology of Sichuan Tea Industry was gradually formed: As of December 2013, the enterprise achieved a total of five provincial technology achievements, including 3 technology progress awards, 6 national patents for invention (of which 2 authorized, 4 accepted), 44 utility model patents and design patents, covering: tea green-keeping and aroma-increasing process, key processing technology for new dark tea, standardized production technology of high-quality green tea, famous tea integration technology, superfine tea powder processing technology; a series of product innovations have thus sprouted, playing a key role in driving the technological progress and development of the tea industry.


 Tea Industry Engineering Technology Research Center of Sichuan Province

 “四川省茶業工程技術研究中心” 成立于2009年,依托單位為農業產業化國家重點龍頭企業、四川省技術創新型企業和四川省高新技術企業--四川省茶業集團股份有限公司(原四川省敘府茶業有限公司)。研究中心致力于進一步提高四川省的茶樹良種化水平、茶葉初、精、深加工水平、茶葉標準化水平、茶葉安全水平、茶葉科技成果的轉化和產業化水平、以及四川茶葉的國內外市場競爭力,推動全省茶產業的科技進步。

 Founded in 2009, the supporting unit of “Tea Industry Engineering Technology Research Center of Sichuan Province” is Sichuan Tea Industry Group Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Sichuan Xufu Tea Industry Co., Ltd.), which is a key state enterprise for agricultural industrialization, a technological innovation-oriented enterprise and a hi-tech enterprise in Sichuan Province. The Center is dedicated to further improve the fine breeding level of Sichuan tea trees, the level of primary, fine and deep tea processing, Yibin tea standardization, Sichuan tea food safety, tea technology achievements transformation and industrialization, and the market competitiveness of Sichuan tea at home and abroad, so as to promote the technical improvement of Sichuan tea industry.


Two big base


 Mt. Tiangong Million mu High-mountain Organic Tea Base


 Tea ceremony are rich in Yibin , Tea sea are located in Mt.Tiangong.

 山海拔900-1350米,是茶樹生長的最適宜區域,面積10500畝,其中歐盟有機茶園認證4893畝是全國最大的高山有機茶園。森林覆蓋面積80%以上,土壤有機質含量豐富,終年云霧繚繞,溫潤潮濕 ,茶樹生長力旺盛,茶葉天然品質優異。




 Mt. Tiangong with an elevation of 900-1350m and an area of 10,500 mu, is the most suitable region for tea plantation, and also the largest high-mountain organic tea base. As the forest coverage reaches 80%, the rich soil organic content, damp and moist climate are conducive to the growth of tea trees, contributing to teas excellent natural quality.

 In the 3000-year-long national-level natural wild tea tree communities naturally formed on Mt.Tiangong, there is a twinned wild tea tree with a diameter of 46cm and more than 20 meters in height, which is called a King and a wonder of tea tree.

 Mt.Tiangong million mu high-mountain organic tea base has 11 years in a row through organic tea dual certifications both domestic and international, so it s currently the largest high-mountain organic tea plantation and the high-quality tea export base in China.

 The base is located about 100km away from the urban area, free of any pollution, the virgin forest with a huge coverage forms an unprecedented producing area of Tianfu Longya.


Jinqiu Lake High-quality Early Tea Base

北緯28   32~29   02‘黃金早茶生態線




 金秋湖位于北緯,地處公認的優質生態早茶產業帶。這里原生態植被豐富, 森林覆蓋率打70%以上,山丘千姿百態,龍爪狀的溝壑與清澈如碧的金秋湖水交相輝映,形成了獨特的山水風光和宜茶的小氣候環境,全年積溫5960攝氏度,無霜期345天以上,多年平均氣溫18.1-18.3攝氏度,年均降水量1070.4毫米,年均日照時數976.2小時以上,空氣相對濕度80%以上。



 At N 28° 32~ 29° 02, the golden ecological line for early spring tea

 Creating the legend of the hometown of Chinese early spring tea

A golden Phoenix flying from Jinqiu Lake

 “Absorbing the anima of universe and gathering the brilliance of sun and moon”, the inspirational tea buds are produced from the 10,000mu ecological spring tea base in Jinqiu Lake.

 Jinqiu Lake is located at north latitude, where there is a top-quality ecological early spring tea industrial belt. Here the original vegetation is rich with a forest coverage more than 70%; a variety of hills; dragon claw- shaped gullies and clear lake add radiance and beauty to each other, forming a unique landscape and appropriate climate for tea plantation; here the annual accumulated temperature is 5960 degrees Celsius, frost-free period is over 345 days, mean annual temperature 18.1-18.3 degrees Celsius, annual mean precipitation 1070.4 mm, annual mean sunshine duration over 976.2 hours and air relative humidity above 80%.

 Here there lacks of intense heat in summer and bitter cold in winter due to its mild climate and the weather gets warmer especially early in spring. Spring tea here is launched into the market 30 days earlier than that in Zhejiang, Anhui and other major tea producing areas and 50 days earlier than that in Japan.

 Jinqiu Lake Ecological Early Tea Base is in strict accordance with the standard requirements of organic garden tea, applying the achievements of modern tea cultivation and management “embedded tea plantation mode” into plantation and fertilization, taking medication and field management as per uniform standards. Now the product quality and safety traceability system has been established.






 Tianfu Longya Sichuan Tea Regional Brand Building Projects

 Sichuan Tea Group pioneered a brand“ Tianfu Longya” covering Chinese six major tea categories through innovating “6 + X” (6 is for the six tea categories, X is for tea derivatives) the big brand development model and carrying out the integrative development of brand across the category .Its the first and the biggest innovation to taste Chinese six tea categories essences in a same teapot in the national tea industry. In 2015, Sichuan Tea Groups original brand “Tianfu Longya ” was identified as Sichuan tea regional brand by Sichuan province government through democratic election, This is the first regional brand in the national tea industry. “ Tianfu Longya ” was established the historical mission and strategic target inheriting Chinese six major tea and promoting global famous cultural tea.

 As “Tianfu Longya ” brand originator and the president of Sichuan Tea Brand Promotion Association, Sichuan Tea Group has built Sichuan tea regional brand “Tianfu Longya” through uniting 121 members of the association enterprises under the guidance of the Sichuan tea industry joint conference. The construction period of the regional brand “Tianfu dragon bud” is three years. The targets of Sichuan tea regional brand-building is systematically completed such as strategic planning, overall design, image building and operating protection, market development etc. The Sichuan tea brand is on a new journey of innovative and transformational development through the standardization of the brand construction, specialization, corporative operation, internationalized layout.

 On May 5, 2016, “ Tianfu Longya ” Sichuan tea regional brand held the domestic and international conference in the fifth China (Sichuan) International Tea Expo and Tianfu Longya Tea Culture Festival officially. The leaders of Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People Congress, Provincial Government and Provincial CPPCC attended the opening ceremony and unveiled the nameplate “Tianfu Longya ”, hence “ Tianfu Longya ” has taken the first step for success.

 At present, Sichuan Tea Group is establishing Sichuan Tianfu Longya co., LTD. which is a marketing alliance enterprise of Sichuan tea marketing innovative development. The new company regards the sharing as mechanism, the brand as the core, the quality as guarantee, the capital as the link, the benefit as the goal, promotes the Sichuan tea industry development through attracting investments and talents, JV cooperation, combining the high quality resources and high quality products of Sichuan tea industry. It will step into the capital markets as soon as possible to lead more tea companies to share the dividends of the capital markets. At last the strategic target of building “ Tianfu Longya ” to be the global famous cultural tea will be completed successfully through improving the enterprise sustainable and healthy development power with the appreciation in asset value.



 公司擁有目前全國茶行業最大的科技園區(核心占地面積4800畝),并成功打造了全國茶行業唯一的“一站兩院兩中心”(即:院士專家工作站、 “國家企業技術中心”、 “四川省茶業工程技術研究中心”“四川省茶產業技術研究院”“川茶產業商學院”)科技創新平臺,先后承擔和實施了國家、部、省、市級科技攻關、成果轉化、星火計劃和技術創新各類項目20余項,參與制定31個國家、行業標準,并攻克全國綠茶加工共性技術難題,創新中國黑茶加工技術,突破名優茶機制集成加工技術,為茶行業的技術研發和成果應用做出了突出貢獻。





Company Profile

 Sichuan Province Tea Industry Group co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “Sichuan Tea Group”) is the first joint-stock enterprise implementing the development of overall tea industry chain in Sichuan province, which owns more than 10 subsidiaries, registered capital of 208 million yuan, total assets of more than 500 million yuan, owns more than 400000 mu tea garden planting base built by itself and its partners, leads more than 200000 peasant households, besides, job opportunities for seasonal tea picking and tea-making are additionally offered to about 100,000 rural workers etc. Since the company setting up, It regards “ Innovation, Startup, Integration, Sharing ” as the concept, regards “Resource Sharing, Complementary Advantages, Hugs Development, Joint win-win ” as the purpose, supports the transformation and upgrading of the overall development of tea industry chain by constantly innovate technique chain, promotes the sustainable and healthy development of tea industry chain by innovate the benefit chain, also has won more than 30 honors such as “Agricultural Industrialization National Key Leading Enterprise”, “National Agricultural Industrialization Excellent Leading Enterprises”, “ Top 10 Enterprises of Overall Strength of National Tea Industry ”, “Top 10 of Tea Export Enterprises of China ” etc, identified as the pacesetter of the development of  “Billions of Sichuan Tea Industry” by the Sichuan provincial government under the governmental strongly support.

 We have built a high quality tea base of 10000 mu through self-building and associations-building. Tiangong mountain which is a full acquisition of our Company , is the largest high mountain organic tea base currently in China and has gotten the dual certifications of domestic and international for consecutive 11 years.

 Our company has the largest sci-tech park in the national tea industry, (covers an area of 4800 mu) and successfully has built the only one platform of sci-tech innovation “One Station Two Institutions Two Centers” in the national tea industry(One is Academician Expert Workstation, Two are Sichuan Province Tea Industry Technology Research Institute and Sichuan Province Tea Industry Business Institute, Another two are National Enterprise Technology Center and Sichuan Province Tea Industrial Engineering Technology Research Center)。It has undertaken and implemented more than 20 projects of the national, ministry, provincial, municipal sci-tech research, achievements transformation, spark plan and technology innovation etc, participated in 31 national and industry standards, solved the national green tea processings technology problem , innovated the processing technology of Chinese dark tea, broken through the high quality tea mechanism integrative processing technology, made an outstanding contribution to the tea industry technology R&D and the application of achievement .

 Our Groups brand trademark “Xu fu” was rated as “China Well-known Trademark”, “ Famous Trademark of Sichuan Province ”,Our best products “Xu fu Dragon Bud” won the Gold Medal of International Famous Tea Appraisal for seven times in a row, “ Tianfu Longya ” won the “ Gold Camel Prize China Famous Tea for Century Expo ” and “Gold Bud Prize·China the most International Competitiveness and Famous Tea Brand ”.

 We successively set up marketing agencies in Hong Kong, Malaysia and other more than 10 countries and regions, expanded some overseas market such as Mongolia, Morocco, Georgia, and established a strategic cooperative relations with Sri Lanka and Russia etc , Soskovets, the first vice prime minister of Russia before, was invited to be our companys lifelong honorary counselor in 2015.

 As an initiator, The Group launched and established the “Sichuan Tea Industry Group Alliance” with more than 30 tea enterprises such as Emei Snow Bud, Mi Cangshan, Early White Tip in 2013, then Sichuan Tea Brand Promotion Association was established with 121 tea enterprises on December 12, 2014.Meanwhile Sichuan Tea Group is the president of the association. We also are leading all the tea groups of Sichuan province to jointly construct the Sichuan tea regional brand “Tianfu Dragon Bud”. In 2015, our companys original brand “Tianfu Longya” was determined to be the Sichuan tea regional brand. In 2016, “Tianfu Longya” is officially released in the fifth International Tea Expo (Si chuan) and Tianfu Longya Culture Tea Festival.

 At present, Sichuan Tea Group is implementing Sichuan tea industry integrative development project which is the key project of Sichuan province. The investment plan of this project is 1.265 billion and the construction period is three years. After the completion of the project, our companys total output value will be 5 billion yuan increasing about 400000 peasant households annual income of 3000 yuan for everyone among which the poverty households annual income will be increased 3600 yuan. To be the model of Sichuan tea enterprises and give the biggest support for an overall transformation and upgrading of Sichuan tea industry.




聯 系 人:


固定電話: 0831-3555567 028-85562018 85560318 400-886-1808

聯 系 QQ:


電子郵件: xflongya@163.com

企業網站: //www.scteag.com/





驗 證 碼:

